Tag Archives: halloween candy

Halloween Graveyard Brownies

Halloween Graveyard Brownies are pretty much the best brownies you could possibly imagine. When I was a kid, we used to go to the local Round Table Pizza in Issaquah where they had a soda fountain with 8 different sodas to choose from and we got to fill our own cups. Being only the tender […]

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Haunted Halloween Cookie House

Haunted Halloween Cookie House: Because cookie houses aren’t just for Christmas, anymore! I have way too much fun creating cookie houses for Christmas. So much fun that I typically do at least 3 or 4 houses and create a gingerbread house village to put on the top shelf of my book case. There’s just something […]

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Adorable Halloween Candy Spiders

Adorable Halloween Candy Spiders. Seriously, though. Are these not just the cutest things ever? They remind me of the little balls of soot in Spirited Away, but they’re edible and delicious little candy spiders! And if they’re not the easiest things in the world to make, then I really don’t know what is. Here’s what […]

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