Tag Archives: high fiber

Greek Yogurnutters

Greek Yogurnutters Peanut butter–yes. Bananas–yes. Greek Yogurt– yes. Healthy– yes. Breakfast— what a way to start off! These aren’t technically fluffernutters, as the “fluff” signifies the use of marshmallow fluff, but they’re so similar and “yogurnutter” sounds kind of silly to me. Yogurnutter. Yooooggguuuurrrrnnnuuutttteeerrrr. Hmm… Yogurnutter it is. Greek Yogurnutters. Honestly, the only thing even […]

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Super Healthy Cherry Cashew Breakfast Cookies

Super Healthy Cherry Cashew Breakfast Cookies I feel like a health nut. I want to go to for a 6 mile run, do p90x, go to my personal trainer, make up an awesome new Zumba routine, and drink nothing but green smoothies aaallllll today. And then go out and single-handedly mulch my entire massive backyard. […]

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