Tag Archives: walnut

Cranberry Walnut Cream Cheese Monkey Bread

Cranberry Walnut Cream Cheese Monkey Bread. Monkey Bread is one of those perfect desserts for holiday gatherings. It’s pretty simple to make, it really doesn’t require many ingredients, and serving it is as simple as laying it out on a plate and allowing each person to literally grab a piece. It’s also fantastic because it […]

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Honey Walnut Broiled Peaches with Cottage Cheese

Honey Walnut Broiled Peaches with Cottage Cheese. We’re nearing the end of July and you know what that means? It means that I’m absolutely swimming in peaches! I have peaches up to my eyeballs every year from my one Redhaven peach tree… and now it turns out that the nectarine tree that I bought a […]

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Cranberry Walnut Butternut and Brussels

Cranberry Walnut Butternut and Brussels  I’m making these for Thanksgiving. So there. I’ve got a family full of Brussels Sprouts skeptics and I’m about to blow their minds! Turn them into to true believers, so to speak. I know that for some, it’s pretty hard to believe, but Brussels Sprouts can be so tasty. These […]

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Pretzel Roll Bread Pudding

Happy New Year! Wow, 2011 was a quick year. Is it just me? I want to do a re-cap, but seriously, this year whooshed by so quickly I’m not even sure I remember what happened! A few noteworthy memories… Cupcake celebrated her first birthday! My duck, Banana Sandwich, celebrated her first birthday too! The Pescetarian […]

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