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Cantaloupe Blueberry Juice and The Cleanse: Day 2

Cantaloupe Blueberry Juice and Day 2 of my juice cleanse. Oh boy. This is tougher than I thought. I woke up this morning like a zombie, barely able to lift myself out of bed. This is not an exaggeration. I had to do this log roll-style ejection from my bed, barely catching myself on my […]

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Celery Kale Ginger Juice : Cleanse Day 1

Celery Kale Ginger Juice and Day 1 of my juice cleanse… I can already tell that this juice cleanse thing is going to be really hard. It’s the end of Day 1 and I’m super super super tired. I can only surmise that it is due to a severe lack of coffee today. Oh, Coffee, […]

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Skinny Baked Spinach and Artichoke Dip

Skinny Baked Spinach and Artichoke Dip. I absolutely salivate over spinach and artichoke dip whenever I go out to a restaurant and see it on the menu. It is one of the tastiest, creamiest, garlicky-est (yup, just made that a word), and yet most fattening appetizers you could possible imagine eating. I love every moment […]

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Breadless Tuna Melt in an Avocado

Breadless Tuna Melt in an Avocado. Wow! I can’t believe it’s been almost exactly two years since I posted my recipe for a Breadless Tuna Melt in a Tomato. It’s one of my top ten most viewed recipes of all time (and rightfully so, since it’s super healthy, low carb, and 100% delicious). It’s also been […]

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Dark Chocolate Cherry Almond Smoothie

Dark Chocolate Cherry Almond Smoothie. Whew! It’s been a busy couple of months!  I’ve been working like a crazy person on my web series, Door to Door (if you haven’t watch it yet, please check it out! It’s been such a blast to make so far), I’ve been brought on board by as a […]

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Seaweed Wrapped Seared Salmon Rolls

Seaweed Wrapped Seared Salmon Rolls I absolutely love egg rolls, spring rolls, and sushi… But you know what I don’t love? All the carbs from the rice and wrappers involved 🙁 . It can be a real downer when you’re on a low-carb diet. Sometimes you need to get a little bit creative in your […]

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16 Super Bowl Snacks that Won’t Destroy Your Diet

16 Super Bowl Snacks that Won’t Destroy Your Diet: It’s always a mega-crisis, isn’t it? You’ve been invited to a Super Bowl party and you just want to eat everything in sight… But everything is just so bad for you. Whether you’re hosting a party or you’ve been invited to one, why not make a […]

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Antioxidant Blast Smoothie

Antioxidant Blast Smoothie with blueberries, spinach, pomegranate, and chia seeds. Did you know that blueberries are not only packed with antioxidants and vitamins like K and C, but they’ve also been shown to improve brain health, cognitive function, and improve memory? They’re rated low on the glycemic index chart, which means that consuming them will […]

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Smoked Salmon and Goat Cheese Egg White Scramble

Smoked Salmon, Chives, Goat Cheese, and Egg White Scramble. Can we say “yum” in unison? YUMMMMMMMMM!!! I don’t know about you, but all of these holidays mashed into the past couple of months have really thrown me off of my healthy, clean-eating game. It’s a good thing January is typically looked at as the month […]

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Flourless Protein Brownies

Flourless Protein Brownies.It’s been a very strange past few weeks for me. It’s been unexpectedly difficult for me to get creatively motivated and somehow the most difficult thing for me to do has been to write things down. I’ve spent a lot of evenings watching Christmas movies and even decorating my entire house for Christmas […]

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