Tag Archives: gluten-free

Cinnamon Pecan Pralines

Cinnamon Pecan PralinesI’m just not ready, you guys! I’m not ready for Christmas to be over. I’m totally one of those people who leaves the tree up and decorated until every last pine needle drops to the floor and the skeleton that’s left erupts spontaneously into a curtain of flames. And even after that, I’ll […]

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Spinach and Mushroom Crustless Mini Quiches

Before we get into these lovable little quiches, let’s address a personal issue I’ve been having lately: Flashdance is on Netflix. Flashdance!!! Now, this movie was before my time, but my mom had the soundtrack on cassette tape and my sister and I used to make up a bajillion dances to it in our backyard. […]

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Sesame & Wasabi Seared Tuna

Sesame & Wasabi Seared Tuna Seared Tuna is always one of my favorite things to get when I go to any restaurant. I always know it’s going to be light, healthy, refreshing, and very high in protein. Plus, if you load it with wasabi you get that great feeling like someone just punched you straight […]

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Low-Carb Shrimp and Angel Hair Pasta (Asian Style)

Low-carb Shrimp and Angel Hair Pasta Have you heard of Miracle Noodles? They are literally a no-carb, no-calorie, gluten-free, vegan, “shirataki” noodle made out of a yam. Amazing, eh? It’s a miracle! 😉 I found these at the local Harris Teeter in the Asian/International section. I know you can find them at Asian grocery stores, […]

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Cranberry Walnut Butternut and Brussels

Cranberry Walnut Butternut and Brussels  I’m making these for Thanksgiving. So there. I’ve got a family full of Brussels Sprouts skeptics and I’m about to blow their minds! Turn them into to true believers, so to speak. I know that for some, it’s pretty hard to believe, but Brussels Sprouts can be so tasty. These […]

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Low-carb Smoked Salmon and Avocado Roll-ups

Low-carb Smoked Salmon and Avocado Roll-ups. OK, Daylight Savings Time, you’ve tricked me again! My iPhone changes times automatically… Or at least it did on Sunday! Then yesterday morning, for no reason at all, it switched back to the wrong time, sending me into a whirlwind of confusion! Luckily for me, this is the time […]

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Spooky Halloween Chocolate Cups

Spooky Halloween Chocolate Cups. Halloween is just around the corner! Oh, MAN that came quickly! I’ve had a lot going on in the wonderful month of October, including my best friend’s wedding back in Seattle. It was such a beautiful wedding put together by the bride herself who is such an incredibly creative young lady! […]

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Pumpkin Dip and the Gotye Concert

Tah-dah!!! It’s pumpkin time! I find it amazing how many pumpkin recipes we all have to share, and all of them quite different from each other. I only have 2 or 3 to share with you this year, so I promise not drown you in pumpkin– This particular “recipe”, however, is the easiest freakin’ appetizer […]

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Garlic and Herb Steamed Crab

Garlic and Herb Steamed Crab Crab. Sweet, juicy, ocean-y (?) Dungeness Crab. Dungeness Crab is a childhood tradition. For years and years and years my family would go to my Uncle Toshi’s cabin at the Hood Canal, WA. We would set crab traps out in the canal in the morning and at the end of […]

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Macadamia Crusted Rainbow Trout with Coconut Lemon Basil Sauce

Macadamia Crusted Rainbow Trout with Coconut Lemon Basil Sauce So, remember when I announced that I could post more and more and more because I now have the internet at my house? Yeah… Good in theory… So now I’ve got the internet but I’ve barely had a moment to actually use it or even come […]

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