Tag Archives: high protein

Greek Yogurnutters

Greek Yogurnutters Peanut butter–yes. Bananas–yes. Greek Yogurt– yes. Healthy– yes. Breakfast— what a way to start off! These aren’t technically fluffernutters, as the “fluff” signifies the use of marshmallow fluff, but they’re so similar and “yogurnutter” sounds kind of silly to me. Yogurnutter. Yooooggguuuurrrrnnnuuutttteeerrrr. Hmm… Yogurnutter it is. Greek Yogurnutters. Honestly, the only thing even […]

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Breadless Tuna Melt in a Tomato

Breadless Tuna Melt in a Tomato Wow, Tuna Melt… I could eat you every day.  So delicious. So healthy. Low carb. High protein. Punch me in the face with flavor. Every single day. Speaking of punching me in the face… My animals punch me in the face with cuteness every single day. Below is a […]

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